
Sunday, September 16, 2007

Pulled Pork BBQ Sandwiches

This is a great crock pot recipe for a busy day. Just toss all of the ingredients inside and turn it on. When you get home at the end of the day, your house will smell fabulous and dinner will be ready.

1 pork roast
1 small white onion, diced
1 bottle BBQ sauce
garlic powder
minced onion
1 cup water (I actually just fill the BBQ sauce bottle with water to get all of the BBQ sauce out)

Spray crock pot with cooking spray. Place roast in crock pot and cover with remaining ingredients. Cover and cook on low for 6-8 hours. Pull pork apart with fork and serve on buns with coleslaw for a great dinner!

TIP OF THE DAY: To make any BBQ dish that was made inside taste like it was cooked outside, add a tiny bit of Liquid Smoke- which can be found near the spices at the grocery store. A tiny bit will make it seem like your meat was smoked outside for hours. I add it to this roast as well as to a brisket or ribs I cook in the oven.

Tomorrow's Daily Special: Banana Nut Cake

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