
Wednesday, June 4, 2008


There are times when I read something and think........."Wait a minute.......did I write that?" because it so echoes the thoughts in my mind and the struggles of my heart. During the past week I've come across a few posts that I so felt that way about. They are things that I (and I suspect many women) struggle with and because the writers so eloquently said what I would have said in some long and rambling diatribe-where the point may or may not have been made- I have decided that instead, I will share their fabulous posts with you. They truly are gems.

So when you have a few minutes, grab a big old Diet Coke or a cup of coffee and enjoy these gems!

4 tips for saying "I'd love to, buy I can't" is about something I struggle with......humbly accepting your limits and saying no when asked to take on new responsibilities. Beautifully said.

Why we learn the Good Stuff from Kids is about how children are so good at remembering to thank God for the little things in life and how we, as adults, struggle with this. Daily.

Be Still is reminder to be obedient to God when He calls us to be still. I struggle with this........constantly!!!!!!!!!

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