
Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Carboard Testimonies

My precious friend Betty shared this video with me this morning and it left me crying at God's amazing love, forgiveness, and redemption and wondering.......what is my cardboard testimony?

What's yours?

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Monday, July 28, 2008

Thou Shalt Not........................

Several years ago I purchased a cute little wooden sign that says "Thou Shalt Not Whine".

I had it out in our living room for a few years and eventually it somehow it was moved and ended up in a closet full of picture frames, candles, and such. While cleaning out that closet the other day I stumbled upon the wooden sign and decided it to put it out again as a much needed reminder
(to Maddie and to myself as well).

I placed it on the entertainment center under the TV and thought nothing more of it.

As I was dusting the other day I noticed that the little sign had been turned backwards and looked like this:

I laughed knowing that Maddie must have moved it.

When I asked her about it she said "I have no idea what you are talking about Momma."

I didn't buy that for a second and I turned the sign to the correct side and again forgot about it.

Yesterday while dusting, here is what I found:

That girl, she cracks me up. Can you tell she's 12?

She's at her dad's house for the next week and I'm thinking of printing those words out on little cards and hiding them all over her room and bathroom for when she returns.

Wouldn't that be fun?

As cute as I found Maddie's actions, last night I started thinking about that sign. What rules does God have for me that I choose to ignore? What rules does He state in His word that I choose to turn over and pretend don't exist? What rules does He have that I would like to pretend He doesn't?

Sadly there are some and perhaps this was His way of reminding me of them. Maybe I need to have some signs of my own made.

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PS I have no idea why half of this post is tiny. I tried to fix it at least 5 times and each time I post it, it shows up tiny. So sorry!

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Behind Those Eyes

I've shared recently the blog of sweet Lisa Whittle- an precious, godly woman and an absolutely fantastic writer. The fact that she is so real, no honest, so authentic in her writing combined with the fact that she has such a heart for Jesus and a gift of being an amazing writer make her blog one of my absolute favorite places to visit. God speaks to me through each of her posts and I look forward to each and every one.

I am currently reading her latest book "Behind Those Eyes" which I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE. This book is truly amazing and so desperately something I needed to read.

Here's what it says on Lisa's website about the book:

An insightful look at the various roles women play as they cover for the inadequacies that they feel, why they do so, and who they really are in and through Jesus Christ. In Behind Those Eyes, Lisa uses truth from God’s Word on the value of being authentic to discuss the various facades of Ms. Perfection, Ms. Confidence, Ms. Happiness, and Ms. Spirituality. Behind Those Eyes encourages women to face the reality of who they are and who God created them to be. The result helps them to mend broken souls, repair relationships and strength connections with family and friends.

I'm only half way through (because it's one of those books I have to read a bit of and then reflect on before moving on) and see myself and my struggles on almost every page. God's been using her words to direct me to Him and His word and to deal with me on some things I've been hiding from. It's truly been a blessing to me.

Since I love her blog and am loving her book imagine my JOY when I found out that Lisa was coming to Houston next month to speak! I was thrilled and have already purchased tickets to attend with two sweet friends. We are planning to drive down to Houston together for a fun evening and the opportunity to get to hear Lisa speak in person.

If you live here in CS and would like to attend- we'd love to have you join us. She's speaking at Champion Forest Baptist Church and THIS is the link to the event. Buying ticket can be done online and is super easy. If you would like to go just order a ticket and let me know.

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What Have I Done? answer

Nicole is so smart! She correctly guessed the crazy thing I have agreed to do!

(Go back to that post and read her comment if you really want to know).

I've definitely lost my mind.

And I'd love for you to join me.

It's so much more fun being crazy with friends.

And no doubt about it............ it WILL be fun.

I'm thinking we may have to wear Depends because we are going to be laughing so hard.

Maybe I can find a coupon. :)

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Friday, July 25, 2008

Go.......Go Now

Please, please, please go now and read this amazing and beautiful post written by Angie.

It is touching and precious and touched my heart so.

Without a doubt, you WILL be blessed by her words.

..whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable-if anything is excellent or praiseworthy-think about such things. Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me-put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you...Philippians 4:8-9

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A Big Old Time Waster

Good night nurse.
This is the biggest waste of time EVER.

If you are super busy and have lots to do today, do NOT go here.



You'll be sorry.


And I'm not EVER going to tell you how long I spent on that site.


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Wednesday, July 23, 2008

His Name

I purchased this at the dollar store because it made me laugh so hard.
Big old typo! (Made in China.)

But the more I thought about it, I was reminded that it doesn't matter what name I call Him.

It just matters that I call on Him.

Because he has many, many, many names.

Alpha and Omega.
King of kings.
Light of the World.
Everlasting Light.
Lamb of God.

I love, love, love Him by any name and He just wants me to call on His name.

Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.
Romans 10:13

So, what is your favorite name for Him?

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Tuesday, July 22, 2008

What have I done?

I think I'm losing my mind.


Somehow this weekend I agreed to do something with some friends that I still can't believe I agreed to.

If you had told me a few weeks or even days ago that I was going to agree to do this, I would have laughed hysterically (and loudly) at you and told you that you were loco.

And yet somehow, I ended up saying "OH, that will be fun! Count me in!"

My daughter is in shock. She laughs hysterically every time it is mentioned. She alternates between saying she can't WAIT and being embarrassed by the idea.

My husband laughed out loud when I told him last night and said "OH, this I have GOT to see!"

If you know me, it's something you would NEVER EVER expect me to do.

Like EVER in a million years.

Trust me when I say- you are going to laugh too. A LOT.

And so will I.

So, can you guess what it is that I agreed to do?

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Monday, July 21, 2008


What an amazing weekend!

Watching my sweet daughter and hundreds of girls dance for Jesus was truly an indescribable blessing. It is always such a wonderful weekend and such a joy to spend it with my daughter and some sweet (and hysterical) friends!

It was a weekend full of:

lots and lots and lots of laughter
funny stories
more laughter
praising the Lord
late nights
more dancing
early mornings
messy hotel rooms
more laughter
pajama parties
parking problems
Diet Coke (praise the Lord!)
more dancing
visiting and chatting with friends
even more laughter
funny pictures
eating out
and even more laughter

I arrived home to find my absolutely exhausted Daddy and Honey. Bless their sweet hearts they were still working on putting in the new floors and looked about to drop. (Honey said he is ready to go back to work today to get some rest!)

Maddie and I immediately put our stuff down and got to work helping and cleaning up. By ten last night the floors (minus only our closet- which will be done next Sat.) are DONE! We still have quite a bit of trim work to do and some things to put back up and in place but 99% of the work is done and the floors are absolutely beautiful and I love, love, love them!

As soon as I get everything cleaned and put back up (which may be a while!) I'll post some pictures to show you!

Happy Monday!

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Friday, July 18, 2008


I ran to the nail salon yesterday morning while out running errands to get a quick pedicure on my poor tired toes. As I settled in the pedicure chair, my sweet friend Wendy came walking in smiling and sat down beside me.

She said:

I thought that was your car when I pulled into the parking lot.

And then I walked by it and looked inside and saw a Sonic drink.

And then I KNEW it was your car.

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Thursday, July 17, 2008

Trading IN

This afternoon I'm happily & joyfully trading in these

for these

And these

for these

and am heading to Dallas for a dance weekend with my sweet girl.

A weekend full of dancing and laughter and fun and friends and praising God!

(Along with some serious praying that Honey and my sweet Daddy will finish the floors while I am gone.)

What could be better than that?

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Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Trusting God

I've shared before the amazing and wonderful blog of Angie- whose daughter Audrey Caroline was born with many problems and only lived for 2 and 1/2 hours. Audrey Caroline's story- along with her parents grace and faith as they walked through such a horrific time- is truly amazing and awe inspiring. (Note: If you have never been there and go- grab a BOX of tissues first. Trust me when I say that you will need them.)

My sweet friend Jean sent me this video of Angie and her husband sharing their amazing story. They are such a fabulous example of how their are times in life when you have to be faithful to God- even when you don't feel like it- even when you don't feel that He is being faithful to you. They trusted God- despite their circumstances. They are a great example of a family who chose to see the blessings in a horrific situation. Their hearts were breaking yet they praised Him, they loved Him, and they honored Him. They knew that He could and would use their sweet daughter and her story for His glory.

They truly live out this song by Mercy Me which says in part:

And I know they'll be days
When this life brings me pain
But if that's what it takes to praise You,
Jesus bring the rain.

This is their story.

Smith Family Story from Matthew Singleton on Vimeo.

May you be as blessed by it as I was.

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Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Standing on The Word

My house is a huge stinkin' disaster and it's about to make me go insane!


It's a disaster because we are in the midst of ripping out all of our carpet and replacing it with wood laminate floors. I know I'm going to love it when it is done but right now I am about to go batty because of all of the mess and clutter which seems to be absolutely, positively everywhere! I'm a girl who loves a place for everything and everything in it's place and right now..............NOTHING is in it's place.

This evening while we were finishing prepping Maddie's room I had an idea. I got a black Sharpie and told her to write her favorite Bible verses on the concrete floor. She absolutely loved the idea and immediately got to work. She knew several verse by heart that she wanted to use and quickly wrote them on the floor.

She then got her Bible out and began to search for other verses. It was so fun to watch her search through her Bible and find verses that really spoke to her.

I tried to suggest a few that I thought she might like. One verse I love, have on my desk at work, and suggested to her was Philippians 2:14 which says.........Do everything without complaining or arguing. She said "OH no, I'm not putting that verse down. If I do, I'll feel bad every time I complain or argue." That of course, was my point. (Of course I explained that even if she chose not to use that verse, it is one we are called to obey. )

She spent about an hour looking up and writing verses on her floor. I loved watching her and love the thought that she will daily be surrounded by God's word.

It kind of gives new meaning to "Standing on the Word" doesn't it?

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Monday, July 14, 2008

The Silliest Question EVER

While out shopping on Saturday my sweet friend Debbie asked:

If we drive by a Sonic on the way to Hobby Lobby, do you think we could stop and get a drink?


Doesn't that silly girl know that my car automatically and without any help from me pulls in to every single Sonic it stops by?

I laughed and laughed and laughed................................................all the way to Sonic.

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Saturday, July 12, 2008


Happiness is an emotion, and joy is an attitude. Emotions come and go, but attitudes come and grow.

Robert J. Morgan

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Friday, July 11, 2008

Missed Blessings

I found an amazing blog today. Lisa is oh so wise and oh so wonderful! She's a speaker and an author (I just ordered this book and can't wait to get it) and is such a joy to read. I so needed to read her words this morning and am so thankful that God caused me to stumble upon her sweet blog.

I read this post several times, marveling each time how perfectly it seemed written just for me.

It's a post about how she missed out on something wonderful- on a true blessing- because of pride, stubbornness, and a desire to control things. It is something that I struggle with.




Here is a fabulous quote from this entry:

I wonder how many times God has a blessing for me that I miss out on because I try to control His will for my life. I wonder how many beautiful things He wants to give me that I unknowingly reject because of my pride and fear. I wonder why I ever think I know the best way or the most beneficial path and why I don’t trust Him to handle things for me. I wonder why things that look messy and unattractive to me at first glance cause me to shy away from them, even with the knowledge that God often uses the less glamorous things in life to bestow on us unexpected bountiful blessings.

I KNOW that I have missed out on blessings God intended for me simply because I tried to control things. Simply because I tried to handle things without first going to Him. Simply because I judged based on appearances. Simply because I am prideful. Simply because I don't fall to my knees and ask for His guidance and His help and instead try to do things on my own.

And that makes me so very, very sad. It's hard to imagine how many things, events, and people I have missed out on that God intended to bless me with because of my own foolishness.

But mercifully each day is a new day. And God's mercies are new every morning. And for that I am so very thankful.

I pray that God, the source of hope, will fill you completely with joy and peace because you trust in him. Then you will overflow with confident hope through the power of the Holy Spirit.

Romans 15:13

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Thursday, July 10, 2008


Dial-up Internet service (which is what my sweet in laws have) is soooooooooooooooooo stinkin' S-L-O-W.

Seriously S-L-O-W.

Painfully S-L-O-W.

In the time it took me to log on this computer to write this I:

1. Went to the bathroom

2. Washed my hands

3. Brushed my teeth

4. Brushed my hair.

5. Weighed myself on the scale.

6. Went to the kitchen and got a Tab to drink.

7. Read 15 pages in my book.

8. Ate a bagel.

9. Changed into my swim suit.

10. Watched several stories on the Today Show.

Because it took so stinkin' long.........I hardly have to time to write anything because it's time to go swimming.

Oh well.

Let's see what I can quickly type before Maddie drags me off of here and to the pool.

Having a ball here at my in laws.

Love them.


Tea Room.

Antique Shopping.

Super cute bench on sale for a great price.

Church last night.

Youngest person in the room at church by at least 30 years. Love that!

Going home this afternoon.

Episiotomy and enema were correct. Jen ROCKS! :)

Bye sweet friends!

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Wednesday, July 9, 2008

What TWO Words?

Maddie is a girl that LOVES, LOVES, LOVES stories. Even if she has heard a story 100 times, she wants you to tell it to her again and include every single solitary detail that you can remember. She especially loves stories about when she was a baby and when any adult was a child. Even if you have told her the story once, she will ask to hear it over and over and over again.

The other night when we were out to dinner with my sweet Daddy, she asked me to tell me the story about the day she was born. Now she has probably heard this story 30 times before, but she wanted to hear it again. So I told it, again.

This time however, I went into great detail-because she usually loves that.

But I think that this time, I overdid it just a tad with the details.

Or maybe more than a tad.

I say that because there were two words that I used in my telling of the story that she did not know and she asked me for their definitions.

Once she heard the definitions of the two words (which I would not tell her until after we left the restaurant) her exact words to us were:

I am NEVER having a baby. Uh uh...............NO WAY!

Can you guess what the two words were?

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(Here's a tiny hint- both words start with the same letter!)

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Tickled on Tuesday

This is the actual sticker from our new oven. I laughed so hard when I read it!

In case you can't see it- it says: Be 2 persons to install the range.
Be two persons? How does one do that? Heck, if I could figure out how to do that, imagine all that I could get done!

This is a ridiculous picture of me (the roots are better in this picture than in the last but those wrinkles are still there! :( but at least I am standing in my pretty new yellow bathroom!) demonstrating what I saw a young man doing when I was recently at the doctor with Maddie. This young man walked in with his baby (and a girl I assume was his girlfriend or wife) and I had to actually get up and get a drink so I could make sure and see if I saw what I thought I saw. He had a straw (in it's wrapper) behind his ear. What the heck is that all about? In case someone happened along with a Sonic drink for him? I mean......I'm a huge Sonic fan but don't carry around a straw. (Well, I carry one in my car and one at home and one at school but not on my body!)

Debbie and I found this at the Dollar Store the other night and it absolutely had me laughing so hard I almost cried. It's a divorce/ break- up room spray called Rid-Ex. When exactly, where exactly and how exactly does one use that type of spray? And who the heck came up with that idea?

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Monday, July 7, 2008

You know you are a Sonic addict when..............

you go to Sonic after NOT going to Sonic for three days in a row (THREE WHOLE DAYS people!! That is amazing isn't it?) and not one but TWO workers at the window who are used to seeing you every single day say:

Hey, you aren't cheating on us are you? You aren't going to another Sonic behind our backs are you? Where the heck have you been?

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Sunday, July 6, 2008

Courage is..........

Courage is the knowledge of how to fear what ought to be feared and how NOT to fear what ought NOT to be feared.

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Saturday, July 5, 2008

Peanut Butter Whopper Cookies

When I saw this recipe- using the new Peanut Butter Whopper candies- I knew I had to try it! It makes a very soft and very yummy peanut butter cookie! It makes a bunch- so if you only want a few dozen cookies- you might want to cut it in half. For an extra special treat- you can make these into little sandwich cookies using your favorite frosting!

1 cup softened butter

1 cup Peanut Butter

1 cup sugar

1 cup brown sugar

2 large eggs

1 t vanilla

2 ½ cup flour

1 ½ t baking soda

1 t baking powder

½ t salt

2 packages (movie sized candy boxes) Peanut Butter Whoppers, coarsely crushed

Granulated sugar for rolling


1 container whipped vanilla frosting (or a homemade frosting of choice)

Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Cream the butter, peanut butter, and sugars until creamy. Add eggs and vanilla until well combined. Place flour, baking soda, baking powder, and salt into a large bowl, stir to combine. Slowly add dry ingredients to wet ingredients on low speed, then add whoppers until just combined. Scoop dough with a medium cookie scoop, roll into sugar then place onto a baking sheet. Bake for 8-10 minutes, until cooked but still soft.

Optional: Stir the frosting in a medium bowl and spread between 2 cookies.

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Friday, July 4, 2008

Rolo Cookies

This is similar to the Snicker Cookies that I make- except that it's a chocolate cookie with a Rolo caramel candy inside. Yummy!

1 cup butter or margarine
1 1/4 cups sugar
1 cup brown sugar
2 large eggs
2 t vanilla
2 1/4 cups flour
3/4 cup cocoa
1 t baking soda
40 Rolo candies

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. In mixing bowl, beat butter, 1 cup granulated sugar and brown sugar until light and creamy. Beat in eggs and vanilla until batter is smooth. In another bowl, combine flour, cocoa and baking soda. Stir into sugar-egg mixture to form soft dough. Chill dough in fridge at least 1 hour. Place 1 T of dough in palm of hand and press into a flat circle. Put 1 Rolo candy into center and bring up sides of dough to cover it completely. Roll between palms to make a smooth ball. Place remaining sugar on a plate and roll each ball in sugar. Place on greased baking sheet and bake cookies for 10 minutes or until tops are cracked and firm. Cool on rack about 10 minutes.

TIP OF THE DAY: Don't try to rush getting them off of the cookie sheets or they will stick like GLUE and tear your cookies UP! (Trust me on this, I learned the hard way!)

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Thursday, July 3, 2008

Prayer Brownies

When I am worried or stressed I feel helpless and I so hate that feeling. I always feel the need to try to fix whatever the problem is. To do something. To do anything. So usually I clean, I straighten, I organize, I tackle a new project, or I cook. I do anything that helps me to feel productive when the world is in chaos all around me. It doesn't change the situation, but it does make me feel better- at least for a time.

Yesterday I was worrying about a dear friend facing some very big and scary struggles. I talked to her and assured her I was praying for her but kept thinking...........I wish that there was more I could do for her. I wish there was something I could do to tangibly remind her that I love her and I am praying for her in the midst of the troubles she is facing.

So after sitting and worrying about her for a bit, I got up and made her some Prayer Brownies. I love making them because it's an easy way to let someone you love who is struggling know that you are praying for them- specifically and often.

Now you know I love baking and I have many brownie and bar recipes. These, these, and these are just a few of my favorites but honestly it doesn't matter what kind of brownie you make for prayer brownies. You can even make your favorite kind of cookie. It truly doesn't matter. What does matter is what you do as you bake the brownies.

These brownies are called prayer brownies simply because as you bake them, you pray. You pray specifically and fervently for the person you are making them for.

Before I begin baking I ask God to show me some specific Bible verses that I need to be praying for the person I am baking for. I then type those verses up and pray them as I pray and bake. When the brownies are done and cooled, I individually wrap each brownie and attach one of the Bible verses I've been praying to it. I put all the brownies in a basket or bag and attach a tag that explains how I have been and will continue to pray for the recipient.

My prayer each time I make these brownies is that my friend will enjoy a sweet treat, some encouragement from the Lord, and the tangible assurance that she is indeed being bathed in prayer.

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Wednesday, July 2, 2008

BITE it?

Yesterday while at the dentist for what seems like the millionth time this year (with about 1 million more times scheduled) I noticed a sweet little old lady in the waiting room. I said good morning to her and smiled at her as I sat down. I was called back first but a short while later heard her being brought out into the area where the panoramic x-ray machine is- which also happened to be right outside the treatment room I was in.

My wonderful dentist, Dr. Sara, was working on seating (is that the right term Dory?) my crown (Praise the Lord! The temporary crown fell off again last night when I was flossing. It has fallen off 5 times in the last four weeks and was about to drive me batty!). Dr. Sara, the assistant, and I were all sitting there quietly while a dental hygienist was explaining to the sweet little lady exactly what to do and where to stand for the x-rays.

After a few minutes of getting the older lady situated the hygienist said "Now bite down on this."

And that sweet little old lady said "BITE it? With my TEETH?"

Dr. Sara, the assistant and I all fell out laughing! Because she was right across the hall we tried to do so quietly, but all three of us struggled. I laughed so hard Dr. Sara had to stop working on my mouth and I had to sit up to keep from choking. The three of us finally got it all under control but giggled and chuckled for the next 15 minutes.

All I kept thinking was.......

Um, yes with your teeth. What the heck else could you bite it with?

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P.S. Be sure to see the new pics on my Closet Fairy post from yesterday!

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

The Closet Fairy

Although most people think of me as fairly organized (sometimes even anal) I have a dirty little secret that only those who truly know me best have privy to.

I almost always have a horribly MESSY closet.

Seriously MESSY.

Scary MESSY.

Insanely, ridiculously MESSY.

It's so messy that if you came to my house just about any time of the year and tried to open the door to my closet, I would SCREAM and SLAM the door shut. (Not that I have ever done that before. No way. Not me. Right Debbie?)

It's so messy that only two VERY special and dear friends have ever even seen it. (And one of those was only from pictures. Is it weird that I took pictures of my dirty closet and sent them to her?)

It's so messy that I have made those sweet friends promise that if I ever died unexpectedly, that they would come to my house, clean it up, and make sure no one saw the huge mess. (True friendship is being willing to come over and clean out a dead friends closet. )

I can't believe that I'm going to show you this, but I think you must see for yourself how horrible it is. Here is what it looked like this past Friday.

Hideous isn't it?

Of course I love, love, love to have things organized. It makes me happy to have a place for everything and everything in it's place. And with many things in my life, I usually am super tidy.

But for some reason, I can't seem to keep my stinkin' closet clean.

Several times a year it gets so bad that I can't even walk into the closet because of the piles of discarded clothes and shoes.

Many, many, many mornings as I am trying to maneuver through the millions of shoes and clothes on the floor to get to my clothes and find the shoes I want to wear I say things like this to Honey........

"I sure wish the Closet Fairy would come soon. It's been too long and this place is a mess!"

"Why doesn't the Closet Fairy visit our closet? Probably because it's too scared to come to such a messy place. I'm sure he's afraid that he'll fall and break a wing huh?"

He just laughs and shakes his head.

So at least twice a year I spend the better part of a day cleaning and organizing it. And when I'm done- it makes me so very happy. I find tons of new clothes (well, they are really my old clothes that were lost in the sea of clothes but they seem like new clothes) and it's so easy to find what I'm looking for. I love it and always promise, promise, promise myself that this time I'll keep it that way.

And yet I never do.

And last Friday as I was sitting inside my closet doing my semi-annual closet cleaning I realized how much my closet is like my life. From the outside with the door closed, everything looks neat and tidy and all put together. If you judge me based on the outside, you would assume that things are all neat and tidy on the inside.

And yet on the inside- sometimes it's just a big old stinkin' mess.

I hide my hurts, my fears, my worries, my disappointments, my struggles inside- where others can't see them. I close the door and put on a happy face and hide them from others, from myself, and I try to even hide them from God. How ridiculous is that?

As I get older I realize that in order to clean up that big old mess inside of me, I have to open the door. And I have to lay those messes down at God's feet. Because then, and only then, can He help me to clean it up, show me what should stay and what needs to be thrown out, and put everything in the right place.

Because God......................................He is the Closet Fairy. The Closet Fairy of our hearts. And there is no mess too big for Him to clean up.

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P.S. Okay so as the day progressed I felt worse and worse about sharing my hideous closet with everyone. Talk about airing your dirty laundry. How embarrassing! It took everything in me NOT to delete the above picture of my messy closet. So that I am able to sleep tonight I decided to share both the load I took to Goodwill after my latest closet cleaning session and a picture of how nice and neat it looks when I finished.

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