There are times when I have so many things to do that my mind begins to swirl round and round and instead of focusing on one of the 30
gazillion things that I
need to to do, I instead come up with some sort of project that I
want to do instead.
Isn't that ridiculous?
Well ridiculous or not, today was one of those days.
So who knows why, but with school starting soon, two staff development workshops to prepare for, a classroom to ready, redecorating home tasks still to be finished and a house to be cleaned I instead decided very early this morning to put on my crafty hat- but I did.
I started out using the rest of the cute (and on sale) fabric I bought last weekend to recover the piano bench to sew two bolster pillows.
HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!Sorry but reading that makes me crack up!
Because here's the thing..............I do NOT sew.
Seriously.Other than a straight line, I don't know how to sew
anything.I do have a sewing machine and once every blue moon I will take it out and use it.
It always takes me longer to figure out how to fill the bobbin and thread the needle properly than it does to actually complete the sewing itself.
So after much, much, much time spent filling the bobbin
(and refilling it after realizing I needed brown, not off white thread) threading and
re threading the needle about 1200 times, and using the seam ripper over and over and over again............I was done!

The pillows were actually pretty easy since I didn't use a pattern and I really like how they turned out. I made little ties to tie up the ends of the pillows and making sure they were lined on both sides took longer than sewing the pillows did. I even had enough fabric left over to make a little table runner for the coffee table.

So at that point, I should have cleaned up and started doing the hundred things that I needed to do, right?
I should have.But I didn't.
I cleaned up, showered and went to Hobby Lobby to get supplies for another little project.
Can you say............DORK?
So after a little painting, a little sanding, a little more painting, and a little more are my two little new sets of blocks.

I think these look so cute sitting on my desk underneath the cute new cross I found at Ross
(for only $7.99- woo hoo!). A great reminder that I need to see often!

These are a second set of blocks that I made to go in the newly redecorated bathroom. You might notice I also changed the frame a bit. I traced a piece of scrapbook paper and covered up the metal mat and put a piece of off white velum over the verse. I think it looks so much better and I love the little blocks that spell out GRACE. Another great reminder that I need to see often. now I guess I have to stop playing an really get busy with all the real things I need to do.
And I will.
I promise.
As soon as I finish just one more little project. :)

PS And just in case you didn't believe's the big old mess I made while sewing. Look at all that thread. And if you can read really tiny print- you'd see that the thread was from my grandmothers sewing box and came from TG&Y (remember those?) and cost only 69 cents!