
Friday, August 8, 2008

My Girl

Wed. afternoon I went to a friend's house to help her strip wallpaper in her bathroom. I didn't leave my friend's house until after 10:30pm. As I got in the car, I noticed I had a missed call and a text from Maddie asking when I would be home. I arrived home at about 11pm and was shocked to find her still awake (she very much like her mama- early to bed, early to rise). She met me as I walked in the door and said..........

Hi Mom, I got bored while you were gone. Come see what I did.

I was a little apprehensive because often times in Maddie's life boredom= making a huge mess (think art projects using glue and glitter or tents that take up every single blanket and pillow in the house).

But boy was I WRONG! Big time wrong!

She took me first to show me her room. Her VERY CLEAN room and closet.

Then she took me to her VERY CLEAN bathroom.

At this point I felt her head and asked if she was feeling sick. She laughed and said she was fine, just bored.

Then she took me to the living room where she showed me that she had straightened up and lined up all of the pillows on the couch and love seat just like I like them (because I am a freak and for some bizarre reason I can't go to sleep without the pillows in their places).

Then she took me into the kitchen. She had cleaned off the counters, ran and unloaded the dishwasher.

At this point I was almost speechless.

Then she took me to the pantry to show me that she had straighted it up and organized it.

Then she opened the refrigerator to show me that she had cleaned it out and then taken the trash out.

I was shocked.
I was amazed.

She is my child after all and has some of my cleaning passion in her somewhere!
That's my girl!

To reward her for all of her hard work I told her that we would go to the movies and see The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants 2 on Thursday and that she could invite a friend.

We saw the first movie after reading the book and it was cute and had very little inappropriate content or language. Because of this, I did something I almost never do. I did not check this second movie on

If you don't know about Plugged In Online it's a fabulous place to check out movies and find out any inappropriate language or content before you go to the theater. I check it religiously before allowing Maddie to see a movie. Well, religiously except for yesterday. And boy was I sad.

The second movie definitely had some adult content that I would have preferred she not see. As we sat in the movie and one of the young college girls became intimate with her boyfriend for the first time- Maddie's head snapped over and she looked at me, quickly reassuring me that it was okay by saying..........It's okay, I know that you should NOT have sex when you are not married. Don't worry mom. Really.

So I tried to continue watching the movie but then the boyfriend comes out of the bathroom and says "It broke". Maddie immediately looks over and VERY LOUDLY whispers.........What broke?

You could hear laughing around us and I shushed her saying.......I'll explain it but not right now honey. She persisted, saying over and over and over again..........What broke? I don't understand. I sat there alternately trying not to laugh and kicking myself for not checking this movie before we came to the theater.

She finally stopped asking and just watched the movie but as we left the theater she immediately brought the subject up again. She said............

When he came out of the bathroom and said "It broke" I had no idea what he was talking about. I thought he meant his you-know-what broke. I didn't know you could break that. But then I figured that if that happened he would be crying really hard because I am sure that would hurt. But then he said "My uncle gave it to me 2 years ago" so then I was really confused because his uncle couldn't give him a you-know-what. So what the heck broke?

Oh my....................... I am so NOT ready to have a teenager. Really NOT ready.

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