
Friday, August 29, 2008

True Confession Friday

This is my closet this morning.
How pitiful and messy is that?

I ate cake for dinner last night.
Granted it was Weight Watchers Celebration Cake, but it was CAKE.
Cake for dinner.
(Just so you know, I did feed my family a normal, non-cake meal)

I've only been to the gym twice this week.
Only twice and my 20th high school reunion is in a month and a half.

I bought some M&M's to use in a recipe.
The other night- in a stress induced haze- I opened the bag and began to eat them.
And eat them.
And eat them.
And eat them.
The sad thing is................I really don't even like M&M's.
So finally I knew that if I didn't do something drastic, I was going to eat the whole stinkin bag. So I took the bag to Honey and said..........
"I don't care what you do with these, but do something with them so that I will stop eating them."
And bless his sweet heart, he just took them, smiled and said
"Sure Honey".

I have not been doing a good job this week keeping up with sweeping my beautiful new floors. As a result, there is enough dog hair under the couch and in the corners of my living room to make a small dog.
Maybe even a medium sized dog.
And because I can't stand to see all that yucky hair, in the evenings I have only been turning on one lamp in the living room and I try not to look down so I can pretend it isn't there.

I am so thankful that.....................

Because of the LORD's great love we are not consumed,
for his compassions never fail.

They are new every morning;
great is your faithfulness.

Lamentations 3:22-23

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