Things that you were stressing over and pulling your hair out moments before are no longer even a thought.
Things that previously frustrated you beyond belief seem so petty and insignificant.
Things and issues that seemed so murky and confusing become positively crystal clear.
Things that had just irritated you seem so ridiculous and minor that it makes you want to cry.
Things on your schedule that seemed so vital and important you immediately realize are totally expendable and are crossed off your schedule without so much as a second thought.
You hug and kiss your loved ones more.
You make sure you share the love your have for those in your life directly, freely, and often.
You forgive and forget.
You love freely and without abandon.
You pray continually and without ceasing for those you love who are hurting and in pain.
What's truly important.........God, family, and your complete and total focus.
My prayer tonight is that the perspective I have today after returning home from helping my sweet friend to bury her precious father, will not dim or diminish in any way but will instead stay with me.
My prayer tonight is that sweet Dory feels my love and constant prayers- no matter how many miles separate us and knows that I am here at any time and in any way she needs me. Always.
My prayer tonight is that this moment- and in the many difficult days ahead- sweet Dory will feel the arms of our Heavenly Father who loves her more than she could ever know wrapped tightly and securely around her.