I've learned a few lessons in those two weeks.
I've learned.....................
1. All hotels- regardless of cost- are NOT created equal. (The Adolphus in Dallas- ROCKS!)2. Taking tennis lessons at age 38 will definitely make your arms SORE and make you sweat. ALOT.
3. Some people have very interesting fashion ideas. I call this pic: Memphis Man. The Man of Many Colors.

4. My sweet Honey does not make the bed when I am out of town and only makes it the day I am going to return. (Maddie threw him under the bus this time)
5. My dad ROCKS. Who else would come and take Maddie to and from school and dance AND do laundry while I was out of town? He's the BEST!
6. Eating out ALOT and not going to the gym will = a gain of at least 3 lbs. :(
7. No matter how cute your new shoes are, and no matter how comfortable they seem, do NOT wear them when traveling. DO NOT.
8. There are some weird things in Texas. Weird.

9. The Memphis airport has rocking chairs all around for people to sit in while waiting for their flights. How sweet is that?

10. Neiman Marcus is so overpriced it is ridiculous. Wanna guess how much this ugly Santa was? Over $3,000. Three thousand DOLLARS? Are you kidding me? For an ugly Santa? For ANY Santa? Insanity!! I wouldn't have taken him home even if he was free.

11. There's truly no place like home.
12. I am blessed. Blessed.