Our dog Belle is so cold natured- she shivers almost constantly during the winter. We tried putting a sweater on her last year and she freaked out each time we tried to put it on so we finally gave up. This year we were determined to get her used to it and she seemed to be doing better. However, yesterday morning this is what she looked like when I left for work:

That silly dog managed to take that sweater completely OFF- without tearing it in any way.

I took this pictures moments before she went and laid down in her bed in the laundry room- with the warm blankets we put in the dryer for a few minutes to warm her up.
However, this is what I found when I got home from work:

That silly dog managed to take that sweater completely OFF- without tearing it in any way.
How funny is that?
I'm thinking her middle name must be Houdini.