
Saturday, February 14, 2009

Sweet Swap

My sweet friend Becca recently organized a Valentine's Day Swap and of course I was excited to participate! I love any excuse to give gifts to a friend!

I was so lucky this time because my package arrived from Hawaii where Becca and her husband had been vacationing for two weeks! I knew a package from Hawaii would be full of fun surprises and couldn't wait to see what was inside!

In my box were 3 Hawaii t-shirts! for me, one for Maddie, and one for Tony. How sweet is that?

Inside was also the sweetest girlfriend card- so cute!

Of course there was also some yummy goodies straight from the island like Macadamia Nut Crunch (YUMMY!),

Chocolate covered macadamia nuts,

and pineapple snow covered macadamia nut candies. These are fabulous!!!!!

Thank you so much Becca for such a wonderful package and for organizing another great swap. Happy Valentine's Day!

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