Words are, of course, the most powerful drug used by mankind.
Rudyard Kipling
Rudyard Kipling
Certain words, certain phrases uttered in my presence stick in my mind- regardless of the passage of time. They cross my mind at the strangest times- and sound as clear as if they were being spoken right this very moment.
Some make me laugh..........
Well honey I am glad to know you are allergic to cats and I promise you that I will not let a single cat get in this hospital room
Some make my heart feel full of love and joy...............
It's a girl and she's just perfect!
Some make me shake my head..............
Man, you sure do look different without makeup.
Some make me sad...............
I had an affair.
And some make me cry.............
It's stage 4 cancer.
The thing is..........those words have stayed with me, regardless the passage of time. Some were said over 25 years ago- and yet I can hear them spoken as if they were said yesterday.
And each time I hear those words I think...........what words have I said that have stayed with people? Were they hurtful, ugly, painful words? Or were they happy, positive, loving words? And I pray that God will remind me that the words I speak today could be with someone forever.