Several people asked for directions so I made a few more jars and took pictures along the way.
To make one jar you will need:
To make one jar you will need:
-a jar (any size will do but you probably want a rather short one). I really like these cute new wide-mouth jars)

-a piece of cardstock (in a color that matches your fabric)
-batting or cotton balls (I used batting the first time, cotton balls the second- like the batting better)
-a pencil
-a glue gun

1. Take the lid off of your jar. Trace it on the cardstock and cut it out.

2. Lay your piece of fabric face down on the table on top of the ring of the lid. Place cotton balls or batting on top of fabric- inside of ring. Try to arrange balls or batting with the most in the center of the ring.

3. Place lid on top of cotton- and press down to push cotton through the lid ring.

4. Holding the bottom, carefully turn lid over to check to make sure the cotton is arranged correctly. You will want to adjust it so that there aren’t too many gathers in one place and so that the cotton isn't bunched up.

5. Carefully holding the lid- flip it back over. Pull one small section back and use glue gun to place a small amount of glue close to the inside edge of the lid. Quickly and carefully (so you don't burn yourself) glue down the piece of fabric- pulling tight. Continue in the same manner to glue down the rest of the fabric- checking often to make sure that the fabric isn't bunching up.

6. Once you are finished gluing you will have some excess fabric remaining. Cut off any fabric that is sticking up. This will help your cardstock to lay flat when you glue it on.

7. Take cardstock circle and cover one side completely with glue. Carefully flip it on to bottom of lid and press down firmly. You need to press as hard as possible because if you don't- your lid will be too fat and will not close. (Trust me.................I learned this the hard way)

And that's all there is to it! Now just fill it and embellish it as you would like!
If you are interested in making a Joy Jar let me know. I'd be happy to share the verses and quotes I included in the one I made.

And the WINNER of the jar is..........................
My sweet friend Shannon!
Shannon, you can choose any of the jars pictured in this post or in the first post I made. Just let me know which one you would like and I'll bring it to you this weekend!