As soon as I read the question, the students would call out A, B, or C. I would then click on whatever answer the majority had chosen.
We had been playing for a few minutes when a question came up that asked:
What is the largest muscle in the human body?
The answer choices were:
A. Gluteus maximus
B. Tricep
C. Bicep
A few students were not sure what a gluteus maximus was so the answers were varied and a little hesitant at first.
And then B, a fun and high spirited, husky young man yelled out:
Well I don't know about y'all but my largest muscle is definitely my A!
After a moment of silence-while they all waited to see how I would react- we all fell out laughing!
Bless his heart- he turned red as a beet and he said:
NO NO NO NO I meant my A. Gluteus maximus, NOT my A-blankety-blank!