It's been a crazy busy week so of course my mind is overflowing with all sorts of random.
1. So many of you asked for details on how to make the pincushion jars that I'll make some more this weekend and takes pictures and post them with the directions. I'll also have Madison draw a winner for the giveaway.
2. I LOVE LOVE LOVE that my sweet Maddie left a comment on my blog. What a sweet surprise! She's such a cutie- every morning when we get to school and she logs on one of the computers in my classroom, she opens and reads my blog. How sweet is that? I love that girl to pieces- and don't worry........she will be getting her very own, extra-special Joy Jar!
3. There are only 26 more days of school. TWENTY-SIX!!!!
4. Madison and I are listening to the book "The Penny" by Joyce Meyer on CD and it is FABULOUS! Such a difficult, painful, precious, and touching story. One of my favorite quotes so far is........" What someone says, says a lot more about the person saying it, than about the person it is being said to." So true. So very true.
5. This post.......Our Pile of absolutely beautiful and such a great reminder that God is faithful. Always.
6. There are only 26 more days of school. TWENTY-SIX!!!!
7. Have I mentioned lately that I LOVE my new camera? Well I do. I have so much to learn about it but am already thrilled with what great pictures it takes!

I love these two people- my sweet Daddy and my sweet Maddie!
8. One of my favorite food blogs is Culinary Concoctions by Peabody. I am going to have to make these Marshmallow Crunch Brownie Bars soon. They look so stinkin' YUMMY!
9. Have I mentioned that there are only 26 more days of school? TWENTY-SIX!! Woo stinkin' HOO!