I love being a mother.
I love being Madison's mother.
I prayed for years and years and years for a child and
was so blessed when God gave me Madison Blair.
I cried countless tears and went through
hundreds of procedures trying to get pregnant with her.
Looking back I am so very thankful for those years of sadness,
for the tons of shots and medicine,
thousands and thousands of dollars spent,
and trips to the doctor and fertility specialist.
Thankful because if I had gotten pregnant at any other time,
with any other procedure,
at any other moment-
I would not have my sweet girl-
my Maddie May.
And that I truly can not imagine.
She's a joy and a blessing every single day of her life.
(Even when she's complaining about doing chores.)
For this child I prayed, and the LORD has given
me my petition which I asked of Him.
I Samuel 1:27