Once upon a time there was an oldish girl.
An oldish girl with red hair.
(Hair that her sweet husband colored for her).
One day she was cranky and stressed and feeling VERY overwhelmed.
And she was talking to a co-worker in the office and she was rude and YELLED
(well, she raised her voice)
and then stormed off-
in front of several of her sweet co-workers.
(All left standing there with their mouths open because they had never seen her angry before).
And as she walked away she started regretting what she had done and said.
And then she felt bad.
And embarrassed.
And ashamed.
She consoled herself briefly by thinking....
"But I was justified because she.....................................
and I have had a bad day......................................
and because it's not fair...............................
Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah................"
But this verse kept going through her mind over and over and over again
Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit,
but in humility consider others better than yourselves.
Philippians 2:3
And she felt terrible.
She felt awful.
She knew that she could just try to avoid those sweet friends
and not say anything and no one would probably ever say anything about it.
But she knew that wasn't what she was supposed to do.
She knew that wasn't what God called her to do.
So she put on her big girl panties
(those things are getting worn alot lately)
and she apologized.
And was so thankful for forgiveness.
The End.