I've seen some altered clothespins around blogland before and
so I decided I would give them a try myself.
They were super easy, took very little time, and turned out super pretty!
- clothespins
- spray paint
- scrapbook paper or old paper
(I used a few pages of a hymnal for some of mine) - rubber cement or glue of some sort
- a paper cutter or scissors
- ribbon to match your scrapbook paper
- a sanding block
So at the suggestion of my sweet husband I first clipped all of the clothespins to wire hangers then hung them in the garage and he spray painted them for me.
This worked great to easily paint both sides of the clothespins.
I then measured the front of one clothespin
and cut out scrapbook pieces that were the same size. 

Next I glued a piece of paper to each clothespin using rubber cement.
I love rubber cement because you can easily reposition a piece of paper
if it does not go on correctly the first time. It's very forgiving!
After the glue dried I used a sanding block(sand paper would work also) to distress the edges of both the paper and the clothes pins. The sanding block is a little easier on your paper than sandpaper so it was perfect for this project.
Then I tied on the matching ribbon and voila- they were done!
I think they look super cute hanging on my shutter fireplace screen
and on my inspiration board above my craft table.