
Friday, October 2, 2009

It's Tough

Being a woman is tough sometimes.

Super stinkin' tough.

We worry about being enough.
About living up to the expectations of those around us
and the ones we set for ourselves.
We worry about what people think about what we do,
about what we wear,
about what we say,
about how we look,
about how much we weigh,
about how we mother,
about how we keep our house,
about how we live our lives,
about how we live out our faith.
We worry about everything.

We worry that in comparison we will fall short.
We worry that people will not like us if they know the "real" us.

Holley over at (In)Courage wrote a fabulous post
about these struggles we women face.

Go read what she had to say here, I promise you will be blessed!

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