Back in the summer I blogged about my childhood friend, Jinny-
whose 12 year old daughter Maggie Lee was in a horrible bus accident on her way to church camp and sustained a traumatic brain injury.
Maggie Lee was a beautiful and vibrant young lady and
after being in ICU for several weeks she passed away on August 2, 2009.
October 29th would have been Maggie Lee's 13th birthday and in her honor and memory thousands of people have committed to doing an act of kindness on that date.
I am one of the over 13,000 people who have promised to do something special
in her memory on Oct. 29th.
If you would like to join me simply visit the website
and click on the Join button
or join the Maggie Lee for Good group on Facebook.
I'll be blogging soon about what I plan to do in Maggie Lee's honor,
will you please join me?
will you please join me?