December 10
Album of the Year- what's rocking your world?
Truthfully, I'm not a big album person.
I listen to a Christian music station out of
Houston KSBJ basically all of the time.
I'm not a big cd or itunes buyer-
because KSBJ is so great and plays the latest music and it's fabulous
(by the way, they have live streaming so you can listen no matter where you live from your computer)
If I had to pick an album (do people still call them that?)
I'd have to pick the last one I purchased,
Francesca Battistelli's My Paper Heart.
Beautiful singing, fun tunes, and a wonderful message.
December 11
The Best Place- A coffee shop? A pub? A retreat center? A cubicle? A nook?
The Best Place of the year for me would have to be my sweet friend Betty's country house. It 's a place that for some reason is truly a retreat for me. It relaxes me like no where else. It's absolutely beautiful, it's out in the country, and it's a place where I feel like I can truly slow down. The moment I drive though the gate,
it seems like the stress just oozes out of me.
December 12
New food- What food are you now in love with that you
didn't even know what it was in January of this year?
I'm not a very adventurous eater-
because I am actually a little alot picky.
I can't think of any new food that I tried this year that I liked-
probably because I wasn't brave enough to try a new food.
Maybe next year?