
Saturday, February 20, 2010

Pics from my iPhone this past week

1. Confusing Austin sign
2. Cool lights in an Austin hotel
3. My beautiful friend Donna being funny
(She is so funny ALL THE TIME  she could be a stand up comedian- seriously.)
4. Soap that made me smile in the my hotel room last week
5. "It took alot of willpower, but I finally gave up dieting!"
6. Valentine cookies for DOGS
7. The cute new monogrammed ring I got while in Austin
8. My sweet friend Mary Beth sporting her conference backpack
(Mary Beth just started a blog this week- go visit her here!)
9. Me in the exhibit halll wearing some snazzy 3D glasses

10. Funny dog mat- Water, Nasty Dry Crap
11. Cute purse magnet that read "Life is full when it's full of friends!" 
12. Funny Sonic sign I made to send to my BFF
13. Shrimp flavored chips. EWWW!
14. "Every girl should be two things, classy & fabulous!"
15. Gummy fried eggs. Weird.
 16. A copy of the Run Pee page app for the movie Dear John to send to Dory who went to see it last weekend. 

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