
Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Randomness on a Tuesday Morning

1. I had a sweet friend send me an email that said.........
 You do NOT really have panties in your drawer, do you??

So Karen O., this is for you: 
Here they are in the drawer, next to other important things like lotion, a lint roller, 
Advil, a Tide pen, and on top of a Bible. :) 
And here they are on a table in my office. I put the Sonic drink there to show perspective. 
They truly are some BIG girl panties! 
(And if I die anytime soon, will someone please promise to come and delete all the pics off of my work computer? Because if someone saw some of the RANDOM things I take pics of, they would assume I was CRAZY!) 

2. This video that my sweet friend Dayna tweeted about? 
It had me in tears. Tears!

3. Today is a state testing day here.  
For teachers that means a LONG LONG LONG day. 
And today my Sonic's drink machine was BROKEN! 
That is just all kinds of wrong! Seriously wrong. 
(Thankfully I immediately sent a text to my sweet friend Jenny 
who lives near another Sonic and she is coming to my rescue! Praise the Lord!)

4. And this video that my sweet friend Karen P sent me is awesome! 
A motivational Christian rap- love it! 

5. Notes left on my desk by sweet friends
 and their super cute 3 year olds named Lu

6. My sweet girl made drill team (YEA Maddie! So proud of her!) and has already started practicing for a Spring Show to be held next weekend. 
I just wrote my first two checks and holy cow- 
I'm thinking I'm gonna need a part time job so that she can do both dance and drill team. 
(Maybe my Sonic is hiring?)

7. At a craft show here in town this past weekend I bought some homemade pasta. 
Some CHOCOLATE dessert pasta. 
Chocolate pasta. 
Isn't that crazy? 
I just couldn't not buy it and 
can't wait to try it out on my book club ladies in two weeks. 

8. Speaking of book club- our September book is Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand. 
It's 1,200 pages. 
1,200 pages. 
So I went ahead and bought it- and so far.....not so great. 
(Do they still make cliff notes? 
Because I'm thinking I might just need some. Seriously.)

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