At a certain age, your child goes from wanting you to
tell funny stories about them to everyone,
to NOT wanting you to, AT ALL.
And my Madison, well, she's reached that age.
So today, since I can't write about her,
I'm going to write a totally hypothetical story.
It is in no way related to anyone I know at all.
Pure fiction.
NOTE: All characters appearing in this work are fictitious.
Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead,
is purely coincidental.
is purely coincidental.
Once upon a time there was a girl named Adison.
Adison was 13 and loved to dance.
She danced at LouAnn's School of Dance and
had been taking lessons there for 8 years.
She was at that age where she started getting her monthly "friend".
Her mother Fannon had taught her to always be prepared-
to have "supplies" with her at all time-
in her locker at school and in her dance bag.
Well one night while at dance Adison called her mother
and said that she was out of "supplies" and urgently needed some.
Her mother, even though she was a tad
irritated since she had told Adison
over and over again to be prepared,
brought one to Adison right away.
The "supply" that Adison's mom took to her was the last one in the house,
so when Adison's dad Rony picked her
and her best friend Matie up from dance
they headed to the store to purchase some more "supplies".
Now Adison did NOT want to purchase these supplies,
because she was embarassed.
Rony, however did not mind a bit taking her to the store
and buying them as he's often had to do that for his wife.
and buying them as he's often had to do that for his wife.
So, as Adison and Matie hid at the end of the asile,
pretending to look at something else,
Rony looked for the supplies.
Since the girls wouldn't come closer to him,
Rony YELLED down the asile
"Do you need regular or maxi?"
Of course Adison and Matie were MORTIFIED and ran and hid.
Rony sent his wife Fannon a text message
to find out what he needed to buy,
to find out what he needed to buy,
picked them up and went off to find the girls.
As he found them in another part of the store,
he held the package up and said VERY loudly
he held the package up and said VERY loudly
"Are these the right ones Adison?"
Of course, the girls were again horrified and ran away.
As they got their other purchases and were standing in line to pay,
Rony again held the supplies up and said
"Gosh, these things sure are expensive Adison!"
So, the moral of this completely HYPOTHETICAL story is two-fold:
1. Listen to your wise Momma and always be prepared.
2. If you are too embarrassed to buy your own "supplies" at the store,
don't take your dad with you because he will embarrass you for sure!
The END.