
Monday, May 24, 2010

Monday Morning Question of the Day

This is the last week of school here in College Station
so summer is literally just around the corner.
Woo stinkin' hoo!!

I truly LOVE my job but am looking forward to a little break. 

There are LOTS of things on my summer list 
(including teaching lots of workshops and classes and visiting my BFF Dory :)
but here are the first few things that I plan to do 
during the first week of summer vacation 
while Madison is visiting her aunt:

1. Clean out the hall closet
2. Clean out my closet
(It is super duper scary!)
3. Clean out the fridge freezer and stand alone freezer
4. Clean out the linen closet
5. Read the 12 books I got at the library today
6. TRY to make myself read some more of Atlas Shrugged.
(So far, it's boring as can be!)

So what are some things on your summer list? 

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