
Tuesday, May 25, 2010



Made me Laugh out Loud: 
This post by The Inadvertent Farmer had me rolling on the floor. 
It is seriously hysterical!

Made me Hungry: 
 This recipe? YUMMY! 
So gonna make these soon!

Not sure why this link won't work- I test it and it's fine. 
I post it and it's not.
So here's the direct link:

Made me Think:  
This post by Angie is fabulous. 
Seriously stepped on my toes- so truthful and convicting.

Made me Covet:
This sign in red or black would look perfect on my office wall!  
Such a great reminder!

Made me Giggle:
This sign was on the sweet counselor at one of my 
elementary school's door yesterday when I arrived at school. 
Her husband is a football coach and has moved to take a new job
 so she's finishing up the school year here alone with 3 boys to raise and a house to sell. 
Bless her heart!

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