1. Bi-polar nail polish that changes with your mood?
Here's what in the mood had to say about their snazzy nail polish:
These playful nail polishes change color based on your body temperature, your mood, the heat of your latte... or, of course, the chill of your iced coffee! And they will continue changing back and forth as long as your wear them. Cool swim in the ocean? Warm subway ride? Frigid morning run? Sitting under the hair dryer at the salon? Amuse yourself by guessing what shade your delightfully bi-polar nail polish will be at any given moment!
2. Can not decide if I am going to make these Cinnamon and Sugar Twists
from Babblings from Brooke
these Inside Out Cinnamon Bun Pie Pockets
from Picky Palate
for Father's Day Sunday.
They both look super yummy and I can not decide.
Which looks better to you?
3. In case you haven't already heard, you can get a FREE 8 x 10 canvas
from Canvas People right now.
All you have to pay is shipping. Talk about a great deal!!
4. This post- Pretending the steering wheel is enough
by Jon Acuff of Stuff Christians Like is fabulous.
What a great reminder that although we let Jesus take the wheel,
sometimes we forget to also let him be in charge of the gas pedal.
5. I am currently reading The One That I Want by Allison Winn Scotch
(suggested by Jen Lancaster here) and it is great!!
I love finding a new author to read and Jen has some great books
on her summer reading list that I've never heard of and can't wait to check out!
6. Love this shirt by Heather Bullard
Love it!
7. My friend Pam posted on FB about a new blog -Message with a Bottle- that is written by a stay at home dad who writes all of his posts on Post-It notes.
All his notes remind him what to do, and what not to do, when raising a child.
Such a great idea!
8. Can't stop with an odd number.
Is that weird?
A little OCD perhaps?