1. Went antique shopping and bought some fun new treasures
2. Sanded doors
3. Painted- with a roller, with a brush, & with spray paint
4. Attached hinges & door handles & doors
5. Bought $5 worth of mustaches and took pictures of us wearing them
in the bathroom of Mr. Lucky's clinic.
6. Painted some more
7. Gone to Sonic once a day
(or sweet Mr. Lucky has gone for me while we worked)
8. Went shopping in paint covered clothes and without makeup
9. Painted some more
10. Taken pictures- mostly with this super fun ShakeIt app.
11. Laughed so hard my tummy hurt and I almost peed in my pants.
(or maybe I did)
12. And painted some more
13. Wished Dory and I lived closer and dreaded leaving Sat. morning.
It seriously stinks that we live so stinkin' far apart and makes me sad.
So very sad.