Having spent the better part of the last week laying in bed with some serious back issues, I've had lots of time to think. Here are a few things I've realized:
1. Laying around is really, really, really hard for me.
Ridiculously hard.
2. I am surrounded by caring and kind friends and family.
I am truly blessed.
3. I have issues with wanting to control everything around me
which is why I try to do everything.
4. The world will not end if I let others help me. Really it won't.
5. Your back is involved in just about every single move you make.
6. When you don't listen to God to slow down, He sometimes must speak
7. I don't give the people who love me enough of an opportunity
to take care of me and show me they love me.
That makes me a joy stealer. :(
8. Daytime TV stinks. Seriously stinks.
9. The world also will not end if I let some things go. Really it won't.
10. I have some FUN and FUNNY friends.
Anyone who will pray for you to poop
(sorry TMI I'm sure- but it's a lovely side effect of pain meds and back probs)
and send you funny text messages when you are stuck in bed is truly awesome!