
Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Pics from my iPhone this past 2 weeks

1. The makings of a mum 
(I'll blog about that later this week because I recently found out that
 homecoming mums are a Texas thing and Mum asked me to!)

2. A cute alligator that I found in the hospital gift shop 
and sent to a friend who collects them to see if she wanted him. 
 (she did :)

3. The parking lot I was looking at while waiting for Madison 
when sweet Dory sent me a pic of the sunset at the beach. 
(there was no comparison)

4. A cute little Charlie Brown onesie that 
I bought for my new little nephew Cash! 

5. My adorable new little nephew Cash!
Isn't he precious?

6. Some cute leopard print clogs that one of my nurses was wearing. 
I took the pic to send to Dory to show her. 

7. A picture I took the night I spent in the ICU 
waiting room while my dad was there. 
My sweet friend Sherri brought me dinner that night- 
with NO pickles!

8. A pic of her son my sweet friend Sherri sent me 
when they were at the Arkansas vs. Texas A&M game this past weekend.  
Obviously they are die hard Arkansas fans! 
Isn't it a hoot?

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