1. What great guesses you guys had about what angers me each Sunday morning!
Erin was the first to get it right- it's people who leave
during the invitation and offering at the end of the service.
(And there are LOTS who do it every single week!)
It absolutely makes me want to scream.
To me what it's saying is....
I am more important than anyone else here
and waiting in line to get out of the parking lot is
simply not something I am going to do.
Unless someone is old and using a walker,
there truly is no reason I can see for leaving early-
other than being selfish and it makes me mad.
And sad.
2. Last night I was helping Madison study for a vocabulary test and we had the best time.
It was late and I was tired and silly and we started coming up with ridiculous ways for her to remember the definitions. I laughed so hard I cried and may have even tee-teed in my panties I laughed so hard.
I will laugh all day long thinking of her sitting in the quiet classroom laughing while imagining her mother standing there making funny motions and sounds to help her remember the words. I love that silly girl!
(A few of the words were: taciturn, indigenous, assuage, garish)
3. This Friday night at the football game the dad's are dancing with the drill team.
It should be absolutely hysterical and I can't wait!
Madison has asked her dad to dance with her and
so this afternoon he's driving in for practice at 6pm.
He has his two boys (aged 7 and 8) tonight and will have to bring them-
because his other exwife is getting married this weekend
and has last minute wedding plans to attend to.
So guess who's going to babysit them?
How random/ironic/a little weird is that?
Taking care of your ex-husband's
Not awkward one little bit. :)
(I actually offered because I know how much Madison wanted him to dance with her.)
4. I'm having surgery next month and feel like I need
to get WAY ahead during the next few weeks.
Is it unreasonable to think that I can get
four weeks ahead in everything in my life?
Both at home and at work?
Surely I can do it, right?
5. Any suggestions for good books you've read lately?
I'm stockpiling books for after my surgery
and would love any suggestions you might have.
This is a beautifully written, precious letter from a mom to her daughter.
7. We went to see my new nephew Cash this past weekend
and he is so stinkin' adorable.
Seriously precious.
8. Can't stop on 7 because it's not an even number so here's one of my new favorite quotes:
"We ought not to be weary of doing little things for the love of God,
who regards not the greatness of the work,
but the love with which it is performed."
~ Brother Lawrence~
Happy Tuesday everyone!