Here are just a few:
- It is painful to watch people find out their loved one is going to die. Truly heartbreaking. And I've seen it 4 times in the last day. Heartbreaking.
- I am blessed to have such sweet friends. Truly blessed.
- God works in mysterious and amazing ways. He is truly awesome.
- Hospital waiting rooms become like families after dark. You share snacks, books, blankets- everything- with people you just met.
- The chairs in CCU are NOT meant for sleeping. AT ALL. Especially if you have a herniated disc.
- You have no secrets in the waiting room. You can hear every phone conversation and conversation with a doctor that goes on.
- People handle grief and pain differently. Some laugh, some cry, some are silent, some are LOUD, some yell, some curse. There is no right way.
- As much as I hate that I am here, I am thankful that I've been here to pray for so many hurting, devastated families.