
Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Sweet RAOK Signs

is one of my favorite weeks of all time!

Over the past few years I've posted several little notes you can use 
for RAOK some of which you can find HERE and HERE and HERE.

Before my surgery I prepared a little list of RAOK for Madison 
and her sweet friends who spent my surgery day with her to do.  
I loved thinking of them performing acts of kindness at MD Anderson
 instead of just sitting and worrying about me.

The list included things like.......
  • Hang up sweet signs in bathroom stalls or magazines for people to find.
  • Take a cookie to one of the workers at MDA. Try to find someone that people wouldn’t necessarily think of doing something nice for -janitor, registration folks, people who work in the gift shop, cafeteria, etc. 
  • Take a walk and strike up a conversation with someone who looks lonely or scared. Pray with them if you feel led to.
  • Go buy a bottle of water and take it to one of the valets outside. Thank them for the job that they do!
  • Go find a kid waiting in a waiting room somewhere and give them a coloring book and crayons or some bubbles to help them pass the time. Offer to color with them!
  • Tape some money to a vending machine along with a sticky note that your write a note on.
  • Take some of the verse cards and find a waiting room with magazines. Put a verse card inside a magazine for someone to find as they are reading the magazine.
A few days after surgery I loved hearing all about their adventures 
and even had a sweet friend take pictures of them performing some of their random acts!

I realized that I never shared the sweet signs I made for them to post 
and thought this week was a great time to do so!  

These are awesome to hang in bathroom stalls or on mirrors in dressing rooms
 or just slip in a book or magazine for someone to find.  
I'm a firm believer that God will have the exact person who needs
 them the most stumble across them at the perfect time.  



You can find the sign HERE in both PDF and JPG versions. 

To Print: Just download the JPG, save to your computer, right click on the file 
and choose Print from the drop down menu. 
You can choose the size 
and then how many of the image you'd like to print.

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