
Sunday, November 30, 2014

Christmas Scripture Writing Plan

I so loved writing Thanksgiving scripture each day in November
and heard from many friends who said they did too! 
I usually write both the NIV version and The Message version
and since I write mine in the morning before I go to work 
and no one else is home, I started saying them out loud as I write them. 
I'm sure my dogs are loving hearing so much scripture, huh? :) 

I loved it so much that I created a set of Christmas 
scriptures for the month of December. 

Each verse only takes about 10 minutes to copy
and I've included the verse list as well
as a page to write the verses on if you'd like it-
although I use notebook paper to write my verses down. 

Click the image above or HERE 
to download your own copy! 
Praying it blesses you!

For those that have asked, The Bible I use is this one and I LOVE it so-
 it has NIV on one side of the page and The Message on the other side!

(Till midnight tonight if you enter the code HOLIDAY30, you'll receive 30% off any Amazon book!)HERE

Saturday, November 29, 2014

Friday, November 28, 2014

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

We Give Thanks

I don't know about you but this world seems to becoming darker 
and more sin filled each and every single day.  
My Facebook feed is full of heartache and pain filled people. 
I more often than ever before find myself saying.....Jesus come quickly. 

I read these words by Ann Voskamp this morning 
{I heart her so!} 
and was so touched by them. 

It was exactly the reminder I need and pray that it blesses you as it blessed me. 
You can print a JPG or PDF copy HERE. 

Monday, November 24, 2014

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Friday, November 21, 2014

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Scarf Prayers

I love scarves. 
Like big puffy heart LOVE. 
And I have a few.
{Okay more than a few. A bunch more than a few. More than 50 but less than 100.}

My favorite season is winter when I get to wear my super cute scarves. 
As I was organizing them the other day I had a crazy idea. 
Since I wear one almost every day in the winter
I decided that each day I wore one, whoever God brought to mind
as I got dressed, is who I'd pray for all day long.
Every time I noticed or adjusted my scarf, 
{which is often}
I would pray specifically for them.

So I've been doing it the past two weeks
since it finally is cool/cold here in Texas
and I absolutely love it!

It is amazing how often I look down at my scarf or adjust it 
and each time I pray for that person. 
When I look at these pics I immediately think of the person
I prayed for while wearing that scarf.
I see...
a sweet friend who is battling aggressive, terminal cancer,
a sweet friend who is dealing with some yucky, scary work issues,
a sweet friend who is fighting for her marriage,
and a sweet friend who is having some serious family relationship troubles.

I believe strongly in the power of prayer and 
truly consider it an honor to pray for my family and friends. 

One of my favorite verses is Philippians 4:6-7 which says...

Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, 
by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. 
And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, 
will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

Maybe you aren't a scarf freak like me but maybe you love
bracelets or hats or big chunk necklaces. 
You could easily do the same thing with whatever you wear daily.
Anything that gets us praying more often for those around us?
Is awesome indeed! 

thanksGIVING Day 18

Or print out the bookmarks below HERE

Monday, November 17, 2014

Sunday, November 16, 2014

I {heart} Thanksgiving

I needed some tags to put on some little Thanksgiving treats this weekend 
so I made these and thought I would share them in case you too need some!

{Made these super yummy cinnamon pecans- and they were EASY and so stinkin' GOOD!
Only an egg white, vanilla, water, cinnamon, sugar, and pecans!}

You can print out your own copy {9 per page} HERE.  

{And seriously...go make those pecans!}

Whatcha Doing Sunday?

A super sweet blog reader {Hi Jessica!} shared with me that she had some friends 
she was trying to get to join her at church.  
She asked me to make a little note for her to leave in their mailbox 
and I was more than happy to!

I created two versions- one that has a place for you to write a note on it.

Have any friends that you'd like to bring to church with you? 
Download your own copy HERE

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Friday, November 14, 2014

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Monday, November 10, 2014

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Saturday, November 8, 2014

Friday, November 7, 2014

Thursday, November 6, 2014

thanksGIVING- Day 6

I think that in addition to talking about all that we are thankful for, 
we should also spend the month of November
focusing on the second part of the name of the holiday: 

Giving to those we love and those around us 
and even those we don't know at all. 
It doesn't have to be big or elaborate or costly, 
just given from the heart. 

To help you {and me} out, I've compiled a list of
 50 different random acts of kindness- 
ways to give to others. 

How sweet would it be if we all gave to others every single day this month?

I even made some cute new little tags to go with your acts of kindness. 

You can download the tags {4 to a sheet} HERE.  

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

thanksGIVING- Day 5

I think that in addition to talking about all that we are thankful for, 
we should also spend the month of November
focusing on the second part of the name of the holiday: 

Giving to those we love and those around us 
and even those we don't know at all. 
It doesn't have to be big or elaborate or costly, 
just given from the heart. 

To help you {and me} out, I've compiled a list of
 50 different random acts of kindness- 
ways to give to others. 

How sweet would it be if we all gave to others every single day this month?

I even made some cute new little tags to go with your acts of kindness. 

You can download the tags {4 to a sheet} HERE.  

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

thanksGIVING Day 4

I think that in addition to talking about all that we are thankful for, 
we should also spend the month of November
focusing on the second part of the name of the holiday: 

Giving to those we love and those around us 
and even those we don't know at all. 
It doesn't have to be big or elaborate or costly, 
just given from the heart. 

To help you {and me} out, I've compiled a list of
 50 different random acts of kindness- 
ways to give to others. 
You can find all 50 HERE but I'll be posting one each day here
 and on FB as a daily reminder. 

How sweet would it be if we all gave to others every single day this month?

I even made some cute new little tags to go with your acts of kindness. 

You can download the tags {4 to a sheet} HERE.  

Monday, November 3, 2014

thanksGIVING Day 3

 I think that in addition to talking about all that we are thankful for, 
we should also spend the month of November
focusing on the second part of the name of the holiday: 

Giving to those we love and those around us 
and even those we don't know at all. 
It doesn't have to be big or elaborate or costly, 
just given from the heart. 

To help you {and me} out, I've compiled a list of
 50 different random acts of kindness- 
ways to give to others. 
You can find all 50 HERE but I'll be posting one each day here
 and on FB as a daily reminder. 

How sweet would it be if we all gave to others every single day this month?  


I even made some cute new little tags to go with your acts of kindness. 

You can download the tags {4 to a sheet} HERE.  

Sunday, November 2, 2014

thanksGIVING Day 2

 I think that in addition to talking about all that we are thankful for, 
we should also spend the month of November
focusing on the second part of the name of the holiday: 

Giving to those we love and those around us 
and even those we don't know at all. 
It doesn't have to be big or elaborate or costly, 
just given from the heart. 

To help you {and me} out, I've compiled a list of
 50 different random acts of kindness- 
ways to give to others. 
You can find all 50 HERE but I'll be posting one each day here
 and on FB as a daily reminder. 

How sweet would it be if we all gave to others every single day this month?  

I even made some cute new little tags to go with your acts of kindness. 

You can download the tags {4 to a sheet} HERE.  

Saturday, November 1, 2014


I love Love LOVE Thanksgiving.
I love that it's a holiday that we focus on being grateful and thankful
 for all that we've been blessed with.  
I love seeing everyone post what they are 
thankful for each day in November on Facebook.  

But I think that in addition to talking about all that we are thankful for, 
we should also spend the month 
focusing on the second part of the name of the holiday: 

Giving to those we love and those around us 
and even those we don't know at all. 
It doesn't have to be big or elaborate or costly, 
just given from the heart. 

To help you {and me} out, I've compiled a list of
 50 different random acts of kindness- 
ways to give to others. 
You can find all 50 HERE but I'll be posting one each day here
 and on FB as a daily reminder. 

How sweet would it be if we all gave to others every single day this month?  

Here's the first one: 

I even made some cute new little tags to go with your acts of kindness. 

You can download the tags {4 to a sheet} HERE.  

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