
Friday, May 27, 2016

June Scripture Writing Plan 2016

Once again- thank you to those that have emailed me this month to
tell me how much you like these little scripture writing plans!

I try to respond to each email but please know if I don't that I
seriously LOVE hearing stories of how families,
and Sunday School groups, and churches, and friends 
are working through the plans together.
GOD is so cool how He uses our simple works for HIS good and glory!
I loved hearing stories of how the topic for this month was so needed for so many. 

This month I once again felt very strongly that I needed to do
 a set of verses on a specific topic and so I chose a topic
that so many, myself included, struggle with: 

Quick NOTE: When doing the monthly plans (especially the topical ones)
I may occasionally repeat verses- since they are appropriate for more than one topic.
Please know that I work to keep repeats to a minimum
(I actually keep a big old spreadsheet to keep from having too many repeats) 
but occasionally it will happen!

You can find a copy to print out for yourself in the folder HERE.

For those that have asked, there is also a blank form 
to write your verses on that can be found HERE

Thanks to a sweet reader you can also find the Spanish version HERE.

Another reader asked for a version that was more manly (for her husband) 
so you can also find that version HERE

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