Monday, May 9, 2016

These Are a Few of My Favorite Things....Today!

I've come across so many awesome things 
lately that I am LOVING and thought I would share with YOU! 

How cute is this UGH shirt from Em Dash Paper? 
(her cards are also ADORABLE!)
Because to be honest, although I am usually super positive, 
there are days when I feel all UGH! 

So the older I get, the drier my skin seems to get. 
I use it when I get out of the shower and it's super hydrating and smells fabulous!

I've been doing Weight Watchers since the beginning of January 
(I love WW- when I follow the plan I can eat what I want and it works for me! Down 31.6 lbs so far!)
and Halo Top Ice Cream is one of my favorite low calorie treats! 
It's pricey but SO worth it!  
I haven't tried all of the flavors but the ones I have I absolutely LOVE! 
It contains Stevia which makes it taste super yummy  and has 24 grams of protein! 

The entire pint is 240 calories/8 grams of fat/16 grams of sugar.
To put that in perspective a pint of Blue Bell (which I love) is  
640 calories/32 grams of fat/68 grams of sugar. 

Giddy UP, Eunice by Sophie Hudson (aka BooMama) is AMAZING!
I'm on the launch team for her book so I got an advance copy.  
I started reading it right away and could not put it down!
You should absolutely pre-order a copy HERE.  
The book is equally funny and wise- so so so good!
One of my favorite quotes so far is...

" is infinitely richer when people are our priority. The end. We can sidestep it all we want to, and we can fill up our days with stuff that doesn't really matter...but there's no getting around how much women need each other. The heart of the gospel is relationship, and God has hard-wired each of us with a longing to be seen, to be loved, and to be known ".