
Friday, January 20, 2017

Fear is a Liar

I am crazy fearful. 
I worry about everything. 

It’s something I’ve always struggled with but it seems the older I get, the more fearful I have become. I think it’s because I’ve lived more life and seen so much brokenness and 
sadness and witnessed so many horrible things happen. 
 I know so many precious friends who have lost children, so many who have battled illnesses and addictions, watched so many families explode, seen first-hand so many heartaches and losses 
and conflict that it’s hard NOT to worry because I know how awful life can be. 

I so often stay awake at night 
(thankful to have concealer to cover the massive bags under my eyes- at least partially) 
worrying about everything from a snarky comment that someone left me on social media (Do I respond? If so what do I say? Maybe I should just stop all social media?), to did I pour enough love into my sweet girl while she was growing up (Oh how I pray I did), to a friend who is struggling with a burden so heavy I’m not sure how she is carrying it (& wondering what I can do to help her), to the health of myself and 
those I love (& pondering what I can do to keep them healthy & happy for a long, long time), 
to a million other things- both big and small, real and imagined. 

My words for 2017 are 

Because I KNOW that worrying about everything is NOT what God intends for me. 
I can feel afraid, but I don’t have to live my life afraid. 

God says in Joshua 1:9: 

"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. 
Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, 
for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.”

Praying this verse for you and for me today- 
that we are able to reminded and say out loud if necessary when fear comes knocking…. 

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