
Thursday, September 27, 2018

October Scripture Writing Plan: Purpose

Happy almost October friends!

The scripture writing plan this month is over a topic I think many of us struggle with: PURPOSE. 

Have you ever wondered WHY God placed us on this earth? 
Have you ever wondered WHAT exactly your purpose is in being here? 

I definitely have and I don't think I am alone.
With so many things competing for our time and attention today, 
it can be a struggle to understand God's purpose and plan for our lives.

Thankfully God has not left us in the dark to wonder and guess about these things.
He has very clearly revealed His purpose for our lives in His word- 
which is the primary way He speaks to us. 
The Bible is our owner’s manual and it explains what no self-help book ever could- 
His detailed and explicit purpose and plan for our lives. 
Isn't it awesome? 

Let's spend this month digging into His word
 to learn more about what God says our purpose is.

FYI: I made the plan 31 days and plan to do that with
all topical plans in the future so that they can be done any month-
not just the month I write them for.

TO PRINT: You can find a copy of the plan in English and Spanish in the folder HERE.
{Just a reminder, don't try to print the images below or they will be blurry. Be sure to click the link to download a PDF copy!}

You are worth it.

Feeling unloved? Not true. God says you are worth His love.
Feeling unimportant? Not true. God says you are worth His love.
Feeling less than? Not true. God says you are worth His love.
Feeling like you won't ever measure up? Not true. God says you are worth His love.
Feeling broken? Not true. God says you are worth His love.
Feeling like a failure? Not true. God says you are worth His love.
Feeling left out? Not true. God says you are worth His love.
𝓨𝓸𝓾 𝓪𝓻𝓮 𝔀𝓸𝓻𝓽𝓱 𝓲𝓽.

Romans 8:38-39 says:
For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons,neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord. 
My prayer today is that you are reminded over and over again today that you are worth His love- no matter how you feel. I pray that He reminds you in big and small ways- through His word, through situations you encounter and through His people how much He loves you and that NOTHING can separate you from that love. I pray that God takes away every thought from the enemy that you are less than and that you are able to see yourself as he does: 
𝔀𝓸𝓻𝓽𝓱 𝓲𝓽.

Monday, September 24, 2018

Memory Verse: Week 39

I believe that Satan doesn’t want us in God’s word and will use any and every means possible to keep us from the truth and therefore we must be prepared and have a PLAN!

To work on hiding God's word in our hearts, 
this year I'm going to be posting a memory verse for each week
 along with a printable to print out and hang up. 

Here's the verse for week 39:


You can print out the verses in English and Spanish and the complete list in a folder  HERE

Monday, September 17, 2018

Memory Verse: Week 38

I believe that Satan doesn’t want us in God’s word and will use any and every means possible to keep us from the truth and therefore we must be prepared and have a PLAN!

To work on hiding God's word in our hearts, 
this year I'm going to be posting a memory verse for each week
 along with a printable to print out and hang up. 

Here's the verse for week 38:


You can print out the verses in English and Spanish and the complete list in a folder  HERE

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Known, Seen, Loved, Safe

It’s easy to feel invisible in this world. To compare ourselves with others and find us lacking.To feel like the important people in your life don’t see you or your needs or if they do see them, don’t care even a bit about them. We all want desperately to be valued, to be loved, to be noticed, to be understood, to be seen. The problem is that when we feel that way (and we ALL feel that way sometimes)- we tend to look around, instead of up. We look for a savior in other people, in other things, in other places, in anything and everything. When we look to a friend, a spouse, a child, a job, a bank account, social media- we will always, always, ALWAYS come up lacking.

Jeremiah 12:3 says:
“Yet you know me, Lord; you see me and test my thoughts about you.” NIV

When we feel that we are invisible, the good news is that we are seen by God. God doesn’t take His eyes off of us. Ever. He doesn’t miss a single thing that we say, that we do, that we think. He cares about every single thought in our heads and every single care in our hearts. There is NO substitute for Jesus.

If you feel invisible today (or any day), please remember:
  • You, sweet friend, are known. 
  • God never stops thinking of you.
  • He even paints reminders in the sky of His promises to you. 
  • You, sweet friend, are seen. 
  • You did nothing to earn His favor but you have it. 
  • He sees every single ache, every single wound, and every emotion you have. 
  • He sees your pain and wants to hold you through it.
  • You, sweet friend, are loved completely by the God who created you.
  • If God calls out every single star by name, how much more must He know and love you?
  • He knows you perfectly because you are made in His image.
  • He knows every single strand of hair on your head. Every single one. 
  • He loves you so much that He died for you. 
  • You, sweet friend, are safe with God. 
  • There’s not a tear you shed that He doesn’t know about. 
  • His love is the one thing that will never change. Ever. 

My prayer is that when we feel lost and broken and invisible, that we look up to Jesus and no where else. That we are reminded that we are always and forever His child and can rest in His mighty hands.

Monday, September 10, 2018

Memory Verse: Week 37

I believe that Satan doesn’t want us in God’s word and will use any and every means possible to keep us from the truth and therefore we must be prepared and have a PLAN!

To work on hiding God's word in our hearts, 
this year I'm going to be posting a memory verse for each week
 along with a printable to print out and hang up. 

Here's the verse for week 37:


You can print out the verses in English and Spanish and the complete list in a folder  HERE

Friday, September 7, 2018

Memory Verse: Week 36

I believe that Satan doesn’t want us in God’s word and will use any and every means possible to keep us from the truth and therefore we must be prepared and have a PLAN!

To work on hiding God's word in our hearts, 
this year I'm going to be posting a memory verse for each week
 along with a printable to print out and hang up. 

Here's the verse for week 36:


You can print out the verses in English and Spanish and the complete list in a folder  HERE

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