
Monday, September 30, 2019

October Scripture Writing Plan: God is My Comforter

Happy almost October friends! 
The scripture plan this month is over a topic we ALL need at times, 
the reminder that 
God is My Comforter!

Life can be be just plain hard y’all. I seem to be in a season of life when so many around me are hurting and struggling that my heart literally aches. Friends with children and parents battling cancer, friends with serious relationship issues with those they love, friends battling addiction and big work issues, friends fighting for custody of their children and dealing with abusive and dangerous ex spouses, friends with broken and bruised hearts, friends battling serious mental health issues, friends with serious financial issues- the list goes on and on. No doubt you too can name many folks dealing with heartache and heartbreak and struggle. 

I feel like I spend much of my day praying to God to comfort and care for those friends- praying that they would feel His mighty arms around them. I am so thankful that God is the almighty comforter and He alone can comfort us when we are struggling. His word is full of reminders that He will love and care for us- always. When I was little my place of comfort was my mama's lap. Even up into high school and college if I was upset, laying down with my head in her lap (which she played with my hair) and talking to her- always brought me such great comfort. I am so thankful that like the scared little girl I was then, no matter how old I am or where I am, I can always crawl up into God's big old lap and feel His mighty arms wrap around me, comforting me and reminding me of His love for me. He is our protector and comforter and nothing will ever change that.

My prayer is that this month we dig into the many reminders in God's word that He is our comforter. That we are reminded to always seek Him for our comfort because He is the ONLY thing in this world that will never let us down. 

FYI: I made the plan 31 days and plan to do that with
all topical plans in the future so that they can be done any month-
not just the month I write them for.

TO PRINT: You can find a copy of the plan in the folder HERE.

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